Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Starting Trouble in Spiritual Sadhana...!!!

A Rocket needs Maximum fuel and power at the beginning of its launch to achieve "escape velocity" and get out of earth's atmosphere; after this it is a rather smooth journey...
Same with Spirituality-a lot of discipline and will power is needed in the initial stage...!!!Trust Me

Monday, January 17, 2011

Everybody knows that something's wrong but nobody knows what's going on..!!!Trust Me

A Girl brought me down...
crashed me to the floor and stomped on me......
let me down,
turned back and walked away
to leave me lay on the cold hard ground to die alone.....
Still Feeling the Pain...!!!!
Iam Tired of living and scared of dying.....
I Never Stopped Loving U...I Just Stopped Showing It...Trust Me..!!!!

As Usual