Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Starting Trouble in Spiritual Sadhana...!!!

A Rocket needs Maximum fuel and power at the beginning of its launch to achieve "escape velocity" and get out of earth's atmosphere; after this it is a rather smooth journey...
Same with Spirituality-a lot of discipline and will power is needed in the initial stage...!!!Trust Me

Monday, January 17, 2011

Everybody knows that something's wrong but nobody knows what's going on..!!!Trust Me

A Girl brought me down...
crashed me to the floor and stomped on me......
let me down,
turned back and walked away
to leave me lay on the cold hard ground to die alone.....
Still Feeling the Pain...!!!!
Iam Tired of living and scared of dying.....
I Never Stopped Loving U...I Just Stopped Showing It...Trust Me..!!!!

As Usual

Saturday, November 27, 2010

As Usual Sanlovesu.........!!!!!!!!!

Show me your god
To whom I've never prayed
Be with me
No one else has stayed

I would learn to love
If you let me, if I may
And if I learn to live
How much must I pay??

Should I be with you?
At night and in the day
Or should I do what you say
And stay so far away

To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have....!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


At one time there was a severe famine in Bihar. A family consisting of father, mother and two children started from Bihar to find livelihood elsewhere.

The father of the family being responsible to feed this family underwent many difficulties and hardships.

He even starved himself on some occasions and because of this frequent starvation, he died after sometime.

The mother having lost her husband, suffered from loneliness. She had to bear the burden of keeping the family alive in this wide world.

She went begging from house to house for food and if she got some and if it was not enough, she starved. But she let her children eat.

In course of time, she became so debilitated and frail that she found it difficult to walk from house to house. Begging from door to door was very hard for her. Her sons felt very sorry for her.

The boy of twelve looked at the pitiable sight of his mother and sitting on her lap said,

“Oh mother, please take rest for some time. I shall beg and bring food for you.”

As she listened to the words of her son, her heart melted. She felt very miserable that she had to send her son to beg for food. No mother wants her child to become a beggar. But the boy insisted and the mother very reluctantly consented.

From that day the little boy was begging for food and giving it to his mother and the little brother and he himself would starve. After some days, he felt he could not walk and go out for begging. He went to a house and found the master of the house reading a newspaper sitting on an easy chair.

In a feeble voice, he asked the master for food. The master replied that it would be useless to give him alms and said that he would give him food on a leaf. The boy, out of weakness, fainted.

The master of the house lifted the boy and put him on his lap. The boy sat mumbling some words. To be able to understand what he was saying, the master put his ear close to the mouth of the boy. The boy was inaudibly whispering,

“The food that you wish to give, please give it first to my mother.”

After uttering those last words, he passed away.

We do not now find this kind of love, this intimate love existing between the members of a family. Here we find that the head of the family starved himself to death for the sake of his family. The mother starved herself for the sake of her children and the son starved and killed himself to save his mother from begging. Look at this example of affection that bound them together as father, mother and child. They look like the Holy Trinity. Therefore, each member of the family must discharge his own responsibility.



One teacher, having about ten students, was teaching them some good things. To such an ashram came one who had some position and power. This teacher did not go to the door to welcome and receive him. This man who came there, because he had some position and authority, felt somewhat hurt and he went right into the class and asked the teacher, “Why is it you didn’t care for me? You have not come and received me. What are you doing?”

The teacher said, “I am busy teaching the children some good things.” The person who came in asked, “Just because you are teaching them some good things, are the hearts of these children going to be changed and become more sacred?”

The teacher took some courage and said, “Yes, of course, there is every possibility of their minds changing by my teaching.” The intruder said, “No, I cannot believe it,” and the teacher replied: “When you cannot believe it, it simply means that you have no faith in it. Because of that, I cannot give up teaching these boys some good things.”

Then this person, who felt somewhat important, started arguing and said there is no possibility of changing a mind merely by words. The teacher who was clever and who had known these things, asked one of the youngest boys to stand up. In the hearing of this visitor, the teacher told the young boy, “Look here, my dear boy! You just get hold of the neck of this visitor and throw him out of the door.”

Immediately on hearing these words, the visitor became completely excited and his eyes were red. He was very angry and he came to beat the teacher. Then the teacher asked, “Sir, what is the reason for your becoming so angry? We did not beat you, we did not throw you out, the only thing that has excited you to this stage of anger is the word which I conveyed to this young boy. You, who said that you do not believe in changing the mind by mere words, what is the reason why these mere words which I have uttered to this young boy have changed your mind so much that you are so excited?

So it is very wrong to say that with mere words you cannot change the mind. With mere words you can cause any excitement. With mere words you can cause any amount of affection. With mere words you can earn the grace of anyone else.”

So, if in this world you want to promote friendship, you can do so by using sweet words, by talking in a very sweet manner and by speaking about sacred things. On the other hand if you use harsh words, you are not going to promote friendship in this world.


Our faith diminishes because our ambitions are limitless. There is a small story for this. There was a rich person who had a daughter with a flat nose. The father wanted to get this girl married. Every person who came and looked at the girl used to go away, although they were tempted by the wealth. In those days, persons who could perform plastic surgery were not available.

In desperation, he announced that he would give plenty of money to anyone who would marry the girl. He somehow found someone willing to marry her. The marriage was performed and thereafter the couple developed considerable faith in God. They visited many temples, went on many pilgrimages and bathed in many sacred rivers. They met a saint who advised them that no one who is involved in worldly matters can give a good nose. Only He, who created the nose, can bring it back to normal. Although they had lots of wealth, they were not happy at all. The girl used to feel that others were looking at her and making fun.

She suggested to her husband that they should both go to the lonely Himalayas and pray to God and spend a month there in that manner. He agreed and they did so. The girl had a great desire to get back her nose, so she began to pray to God in great earnestness.

God appeared, due to her good luck and asked her what she wanted. As soon as God appeared, she asked for the grant of a good looking big nose. God said, so it shall be and granted her the boon.

As soon as God disappeared, she looked at her face. She looked at the big nose and felt that she had become uglier than before. She prayed again more earnestly and God appeared again and asked her what she wanted. She said that she did not want that big nose. God said, so it shall be and granted her the boon. She immediately found that her nose had completely disappeared. She had thought that she was praying to God for a good nose and in the process, she lost her nose completely.

The moral of this story is that although God is present before you, playing with you and talking with you, you do not know what to ask, when to ask and where to ask. Not knowing what we should ask, we are asking him for one thing while really we want something else. In this process, we are getting ourselves into difficulties. God is always ready to give you all that you want, but you do not seem to know what is good for you and what you really want. Since you do not know what you should want and under what circumstances, it is better and easier to surrender yourself completely to God and simply ask for His grace.

- Baba

The Greatest Sin

In this short story from Baba, we learn about the terrible folly of our human nature which so easily turns away from the nurturing Divine Hand. So often, we forget the acts of His Grace which have saved us from the consequences of our own actions - and return once again to our old habits. It is a wonder that the Lord has so much patience! In this story, Baba has portrayed real life and hitherto unknown examples from Jesus’ life to educate us in self-awareness; let us use this Chinna Katha to examine our own faults and resolve not to squander the Grace that Baba continually pours upon us!

Once Jesus was walking along the streets of a city. It was a slum area. He saw a young man rolling in dirt, dead drunk. He went to him, sat by his side and woke him up.
The young man opened his eyes and saw Jesus. Jesus asked him:

"Son! Why are you wasting your precious youth in drinking?"

The young man replied: "Master! I was a leper. You cured me of my leprosy. What else can I do?" Jesus heaved a sigh and walked away.

In another street he saw a man madly pursuing a beautiful woman. Jesus caught hold of him and asked him: "Son! Why do you desecrate your body by indulging in such a sinful act?"

The man replied: "Master! I was really blind. You gave me vision. What else can I do?"

Jesus trudged along another street. He saw an old man crying bitterly. Jesus approached him and gently touched him. The old man wiped his tears and looked at Jesus.

Jesus questioned him: "Why are you weeping old man?" The old man said: "Master! I was nearly dead. You granted me life. What else can I do except weep in this old age?"

In times of difficulty and distress, we cry out for God's help. But when God, out of His boundless love and compassion, responds to our prayer, we ignore Him and fall back into our self-centered life. One must guard oneself against this greatest sin of ingratitude towards God.

- Baba